Nameplates – Name labels

Your company nameplate must be identified immediately by customers.
Therefore it is necessary that your nameplate gets the best treatments to enhance the image of your brand, your name and your product.

undeniable benefits
3 materials for metal marking :
- aluminium,
- stainless steel,
- brass.
Many finishes :
- embossed aluminium (up to 1mm),
- contrast between dull and shiny metal
- combinaison of metal and lacquer by chemical engraving,
- resin doming.
Nameplates and name labels
The purpose of nameplates or labels is to identify a product, a machine, a piece of equipment or to provide information:
- company identification: logo, brand, contact details (address, telephone, fax, email, website),
- product identification and traceability: name, bar codes, reference, type, serial number, etc.
- technical specifications of a piece of equipment: capacities, voltage, amperage, etc.
- instructions for the use of a machine or piece of equipment: text, pictograms, symbols, etc.
As bearers of information or communication, nameplates are key in reflecting a brand’s image. To guarantee resistance and durability, special attention must be given to the industrial marking of nameplates.
Industrial marking solutions for nameplates
Martin Technologies offers multiple solutions for the industrial marking of nameplates. In order to tailor our marking to the aesthetics of your products, the image of your company and to any external stresses, Martin Technologies offers:
- standard or made-to-measure nameplate marking,
- varied and complementary industrial marking techniques: mechanical engraving, chemical etching, digital printing, screenprinting,
- industrial marking with diverse materials: anodised aluminium, polyester, vinyl,
- a wide variety of finishes for your nameplates: cut, pierced, rounded, painted, laminated,
- a wide range of surface finishes: matt, glossy, rewritable,
- mounting methods on request: screws, rivets, self-adhesive.
Our attractive, quality nameplates are robust and long-lasting, and will strengthen your company’s brand image.
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